From An Infant Sleeper to a Toddler Bed- BEST Decision Ever!

Baby #5-Things are simpler/minimalistic.

I must say this time around, I basically wanted a more minimalist lifestyle. From the entire pregnancy care to the birth, and now her upbringing. Less is more joy and less chaos for this household! Afterall this mommy sanity must be somewhat functional in order to conduct/manage this large party lol!

I made sure to let the family know ahead of time prior to any showering of gifts that we were content with just a congratulatory salutation and if any gifts from them to be practical (such as diapers and wipes).

I adopted a minimalist mindset about 15 years ago, and it has been my best kept secret for when it comes to managing my household and having a clean/organized home. As the broad has expanded, we have all been able to adapt and welcome the new member.

To summarize, things have been slightly different with each of my children. Here is my experience with my 5th (the baby of the house). This is what works for us currently, and things may be different for each child and that’s okay.

The transition from a bassinet to a toddler bed

To begin, for this baby we went with a practical and minimal bassinet. One that didn’t take too much room but served its purpose, and also that was financially pocket friendly ($). The bassinet we ended up with checked all of our boxes. As an added bonus she even liked the swinging motion and the music it came with!

This was our life saver throughout the infant stage. We used this from day 1 to month 9.

Once she started to outgrow the bassinet, we knew it was time to upgrade. We didn’t’ want a crib, just our preference and were not sure if a baby bed would do. In essence, we wanted something practical and that would work for us and our household. We had the option to upgrade her to sleep with her older sister, but we thought she was still too young.

Before the transition to her own bed, we tried to co-sleep but let me tell you! lol. that didn’t work, as she took the entire bed to herself, and we would wake up sore and with little to no sleep. I one day said “NO MORE” she needs her own bed! 4 Things we observed on her that let us know she was ready.

  • She was sleeping the entire night- no more nighttime feeding.
  • mobility- she was already sitting up and twisting and turning with no assistance.
  • sleep schedule- we had her schedule down- We start sleep prepping at about 7:30pm- Last feeding, followed by cleaning her up and putting on pjs, and finally in bed.
  • She was communicating- she baby talks and even has a few words in her vocabulary. As a matter of fact, in the morning she would wake us up by calling out Dada (lol). Home girl was ready in my books!

All things considered; I started a list and kept a minimalist mindset. Overall, I wanted a Montessori inspired bed but without the price tag. And we found the one that fit all of our needs. It has been the BEST decision ever! She loves her new bed, no mishaps (like her falling off the bed or anything like that). We all get the rest that is much needed!

She loves her bed, and it fits nicely on a corner in our master bedroom.

Finally! Know that your child will let you know when they are ready to transition. It doesn’t need to be stressful and or heavy on your pockets ($$$). I find that the market is over saturated with so many options, that can make even the simplest purchases stressful. I have found that making a list, even when it comes to baby items, and sticking to it has worked for us.