To The Most Beloved Being!

Ser divino! En Este Transcurso Quiero Que Sepas Que No Estas Solo

I want you to know that you’re not alone!

Muchas veces, durantes mis batallas me escuchaba, call out for help- in a somewhat silent way. It felt like no one was listening but yet I was surrounded by people. I spoke with my mother daily, sometimes even multiple times a day. Had friends galore on social media and phone contacts but yet still was feeling like a soldier in war without armor. During those phone calls, they would ask me how I was doing, and I genuinely would express myself, but yet no one offered to help and/or even acknowledge when I was battling. Thats when i would turn to my faith. I’m a believer that a greater being is out there and I hold on to faith. I, even during my darkest moments project faith that tomorrow it will be a better day. I shut down completely and in silence will shout my prayers-I would scream as loud as I could for help. I would surrender my agonies and ask for my soul and body to be used as a transporter for what’s to come in order to win the battle and overcome it all- with the ultimate goal of reaching to the other side as a survivor.

Moments of true revelations- When you least expect it, someone is listening

10 years ago, I was facing one of those dark moments. Going through a divorce, with 2 children under the age of 2, in the middle of college, in my twenties no family or familiar faces around me. All I knew was that the life I was living was one that I any longer wanted to live. The storm was real, I was in the middle of it the as the main character. Not a mother or friend to lean on. That summer, I was enrolled in 6 classes (yes! you read that right-6 classes in 1 summer semester with 2 young children- and no one but my WILL POWER). I was enrolled in 3 different campuses split between the University and College. I was in auto mode- but without even putting much thought into- in one of those classes (to be more specific- it was statistic)- I met one of my guardian angels in disguise. Unaware to me, she was the answers to my prayers! To me, at that time, she was just a classmate that I saw was struggling with the concept that was being taught in class and I shared my class notes with. I offered to help her with the homework and even studying together (I had 15mins free before that class).

Sure, does life works in mysterious ways.

After a few tutoring sessions, she was finally understanding the class and was even passing. In return, right before an exam during those 15 free minutes (I accidently broke down in front of the computer- life was just hitting me from all directions). She had taken a glimpse of my screen and said to me “i don’t want to be nosy, but without all your help, I wouldn’t be here in the middle of the semester passing this class, you have not asked for anything in return. From what I can see in the screen- i have over 20 years of experience in the field of financial services and have many contacts throughout the city. If you allow me to, i can help you.” I couldn’t believe it, but I just blurted out my entire life to that lady. ( i just needed to vent and couldn’t hold it in). She indeed not only solved that one issue on the screen, but my entire life and some. She ended up passing the class with an 80%. Till this day, I can’t even remember how she looks like or even her name. but I can recall each and every one of our interactions, and I carry with all the life lessons that she taught me during those 3 weeks.

I want you to know that you’re not alone!!

Love YOURSELF and know that you have all of the tools on you to overcome anything! You WILL cross the finish line and climb to the other side! Nunca pierdas la Esperanza! Always have hope and faith that you’re not alone, no matter how twisted and dark the moments might seem. There are many things that can seem tarnished and with no Hope, but you my friend have the WILL POWER and DETERMINATION within yourself to overcome anything that you set your mind to.