Is that time of the year again- where we return back our little angels to their teachers! As a mom, I know too well that anything to cut down the time in the mornings is a welcome advice here. I have 3 boys, 2 girls, and myself that I need to have out of the door, on time, before school starts. Here is our easy and time saving back-to-school routine, that get us out the door most of the days and on time!

Organization and a minimalist wardrobe is key!

In this family, chaos is not our friend. Meaning I don’t do well with chaos and mess all around me. Hence why I adapted a minimalist lifestyle, even before my clan grew to the party that it is today. In spite of the number of kids I have (5, in case you forgot LOL), I still keep a minimalist mindset. That’s my secret and how I keep my sanity (my Shits together, being just one person against 5 little ones).

By all means, is not always perfect and things do pile up. Hence, why I make it a routine for right before school restarts, to go through all of their things and declutter. Decluttering, brings happiness, peace, and easy management of my household. Along with, having the kids help me and get on board with the routine from the get-go. I enjoy getting them involved in not only creating the routine, but also listening to their feedback of what is working and what isn’t.

For us one thing that works is having their closets organized based on each child personality. Also, I make storage easily accessible. They get to choose what they want to wear on their own and I help them in the maintenance as far as the layout and putting the clothes in their assigned place.

Decluttering the closets and picking out clothes that no longer fit, helps us all with our time saving school routine.

Readjusting as needed- is also Important!

This year alone I have had to readjust the routine a few times. Because, I have a set of teens, and a set of elementary age, and a baby. So, what I did was paired them up and have them work in groups. At the same time, having one set flow and ensuring our time saving routine is in place. Now, my teens wake up later, so that means that they get their own space to get themselves ready. And most importantly, I get to refocus my energy on getting the baby ready and even myself sometimes.

Because of this routine in place and everyone focused on their assigned task, we get out the door on time. As a matter of fact, all the kids except the baby independently get ready most of the mornings. At least in my case, I have noticed that the more I involve the kids, the more independence they acquire.

I start prepping for the school every summer

Towards the end of the summer vacation, I start school prepping my entire house. This is the time where I deep clean their closets and re-organize it. Out with the old and in with the new. Together we look through items that no longer fit or serve a purpose.

We always donate any gently use/new items that my kids no longer need, fit or like. It helps with clearing out the clutter and also help out other families that are in need. This year alone, I took 6 big trash bags full out the closets with just clothes. Little known fact, I declutter the closets about 3x a year, and never miss the end of the summer declutter.

Time Saving Hack: Organize your home with items to keep, donate, or trash

Secondly, I do the same for the shoes, socks, and underwear and replace them as needed for the new school year. Simultaneously, I clean, declutter, and reorganize with the help of the kids so they get to know where all of their things are. This is not only a time saving tactic but also a stress relief one! In doing so, helps us all, and less running around asking ‘MOM! where is this/that?!’

Important to realize, I do each closet in different occasions, to ensure that neither myself nor the kids get overwhelmed. Another point to realize is that I do this task with them (some need more help than others). As their reward for all their hard work, I take a day for each one to go with me shopping (My favorite part lol). It doubles as a date and dedicated time for each child. A win-win for all!!

Part 2 of the house prepping

Also, I declutter toys and electronics. I know the hardest part of it all, TOYS and ELECTRONICS. Indeed, this is the one that the kids like the least. But I do like to start their bins either cleaned out or at least with room for the new school year items to fit in. This is time saving for our day to day not only with our school year routine.

When it comes to the electronics, I also ensure that our school bedtime routine gets implemented. At this time, I ensure that all the electronics are under the Wi-Fi shut down mode. Read more on that routine special here. If you have a home network option with your internet company, this is heaven sent!! Furthermore, within this option you can set a time where the electronics that are connected to the Wi-Fi can be placed into a sleep mode. Yes, my teens hate me for that, but they still get to use their phones until certain hours pass the Wi-Fi sleep mode.

Equally important, I also make sure to check that all the alarms clocks are functioning, and batteries are replaced accordingly. Generally, I have the kids set their alarms. This once again, teaches them about time, responsibility, and gives them the freedom to be independent.

Remember to take your time and have some grace during the process

Yes, it may sound like a lot, but please note I do this in intervals and not all at once. Also, the kids are good helpers and chip in to help me out as much as possible. I give them small responsibilities and chorus throughout the cleanup months. Since the kids go back to school in early August, I ensure that by the end of July is all hands-on deck. Including, gently reminding them of their responsibilities.

During these times, I have to be very patient with them (because I’m not going to lie, it’s a process!!). Balanced against, dealing with teenagers is not easy, especially implementing rules and having them do their chorus. Nevertheless, don’t give up and take as many breaks as needed. By the same token have some grace and remember to breathe!

Once the decluttering is done, life gets easier

Here our back-to-school routine starts on Sundays! Sundays are our self-care days. In brief, the kids get dedicated time from me (more so the younger ones) for hair washing, nails care, and any other body care that they need. During this day of the week, we help each other out to complete the tasks on hand.

Sundays are also our time to ensure that each of their bathroom baskets have all the supplies for the week. This is when, body and hair care items get replenish as needed. As well as I make sure to check that all their laundry has been done and put away. In sum, baskets are my best friend, and each child have their own sets of them!!

Aside all the prepping that gets done, Sundays are relaxing & chill in the household. Being that we try not to have any other commitments in our lives. In addition, I meal prep and get my seasonings or any bulk cooking done and set for the week. As you can see, Sundays are busy, but that is to set a smooth sailing week ahead.


I like to add, that for me I have to ease into my mindset once the night comes. I’m not a night person and for me, it is personally difficult with the putting the kids down for the night. But I do know that once everyone is in bed, peace does come. Even better, during the mornings of school, because of all of the preparations, getting them ready and on time is much smoother.

Our hard work and prepping do pays off! Despite all of the tasks, once our routine is in place and everyone is on board things definitely goes smoother. It is time saving, and we all get to leave the house on time and in a happy mood. I love to start my early mornings, with as many little meltdowns as possible.

This routine is lifesaving for us all!! This is what works for us and what I have been doing for years!