I just came back from my adventure in dental tourism. This was not my first time getting dental work outside the USA. But this experience has been by far the most extensive. I did heavy research on my selection. Furthermore, these are just my personal experiences and journey. Based on my experiences these are the things I found very little information but yet affected my own experience the most. Hope they somewhat help you or shine some light if you’re looking forward going this route.

Dental Tourism- getting dental work done for cheaper in another country outside the USA

How I discovered Dental Tourism

I’m not sure if you have read my previous posts but am an adventurer. In essence, I love to just grab and travel and try new things. So, the idea was one that I had in mind for quite some time. Subsequently, I had my ears and eyes open for the possibility of one day going the dental tourism route for dental care.

Many things were attributed to my decision to seek care and try dental tourism. By far, the cost was a major attribution to my decision. Because of my previous dental history, I knew, I had to one day get my entire smile makeover. Having enough money for such procedure was always behind my mind. Ultimately, I wasn’t sure how long it would take but I finally reached my savings goal last year!!

As mentioned above, I had previous experiences with dental work outside the USA. This came about in an emergency case. In detail, I was living in a border city where most of the residents would go across the border for cheaper medical services. Furthermore, When I broke my front tooth, during one of my most fragile financial state, I went across the border for care. To conclude, dental prices in the USA are very high and sometimes making dental care inaccessible to many. I was one of those!

Dental Tourism makes dental care feasible for some dealing with financial scarcities.

My previous journey with dental care- Why dental tourism was in my Radar

I loved my smile but because at a young age I went through some traumatizing dental work, and a history of a weakened enamel. Subsequently, leaving me constantly having to do maintenance dental work. Later in life, it made me hate going to the dentist. My bad experiences made it hard to trust and have a consistent care.

But nevertheless, I was lucky enough to find me a gently doctor who was excellent with his work and hands. Finding him took me lots of research and trust. By all means, I kept up with my dental hygiene and care. I was proud to have found me a dentist that took care of my smile and was affordable.

Unfortunately, I came across a dental emergency. If you have had a dental emergency, you know well the skyrocketing cost of repairs. Balanced against, that during that specific time my dentist was going through some payment and insurance restructuring. Aligned with some personal mishap, I was unable to afford the services and had no choice but go across the border. The cost of the repair was at least 50-60% cheaper than in the USA. At that time, it was a no brainer.

My Dental experiences in Mexico

Since I was living in the border town, going across was easy. Evidently, dental clinics are all lined up by the border once you get to cross the bridge. For details, going to Juarez, may not be the safest city, but when you have a need you find a way. Even though it’s a city with a bad reputation due to the high violence index in that city. But when there is a necessity, with careful planning a trip can be possible. As a result, I would only go across the border with a trusted individual and to a known dental office.

The fact that I’m bilingual, makes speaking the native language and communicating with the dental offices a lot easier. From calling around to getting quotes and even navigating the streets of Juarez. And let me tell you, that it’s no easy feat to navigate the roads of another country. In either case, I was glad that during my scary, unexpected, emergency I even had an option to begin with.

However, don’t get discourage because most of the clinics are English speaking and have very professional coordinators to help those that are not native. Also, something to highlight is that many of clinics are hygienic and on a high scale when it comes to dental care. Most importantly, the cost and quality of the procedures are up to par. Hence, why so many people cross the border for medical and dental care on a daily basis.

More on my across the border experience

Equally important, you do have to do your research and make sure to attend a known clinic, or one that you are comfortable with. Don’t just go over blindly, most importantly ensure you feel comfortable with your choice of clinic. The fact that social media is now available, you can use it to run your own research. For the most part, many people do dental tourism, so finding valuable information is a possibility.

I even experienced clinics where they take American dental insurance and have chauffer that will pick up and drop you off back into the USA. Meaning no driving from your end whatsoever. You may be wondering, why didn’t I get my dental work done over there this time around?! And with all of these positive points and experiences why didn’t I go back to Mexico for this dental journey?! Well, my friends, let me tell you all about it!

Here is the TEA

I had just moved away and tried going back to Juarez to complete my smile makeover. Many difficulties came my way. For that reason, I decided to extend my horizons and see what other options were available for me.

Upon my extensive research and networking, I was able to put together my dental plan. I knew that an entire smile makeover was going to be expensive and time consuming. For that same reason, I had to do some personal planning, and make sure everything was in order. I gave myself a year to save up for this adventure. And guys, I reached my goal in 8 months!!!! I know (LOL) don’t give me a challenge, because I sure go HARD!!!

In synchronization, I was scoping around social media, and trying to decide which country I was going to visit. UGH and let me tell you, on top of it all, thinking how I was going to pull this one off was hella stressful. But this Sista has GOD by her side and miracles do come true over here. Especially when I’m dealing with a not so friendly co-parent. BUT guys, an opportunity opened up and I said, ‘this is my time!!!’. Baby, I went into full planning mode!!

How I ended up in TURKEY

My top countries were the following: Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Panama and Turkey. These where the countries that would always pop up in my search. Including, for the most part had, if not all, most of my criterias checked. The following might sound crazy, but this is how I ended up with the final choice.

I did the same search and evaluation for all, the first 5 countries I have been to before, and for some reason couldn’t find the right clinic for what I was looking for. I tried networking and calling around, with no luck. Important to realize, that for all of my decisions in life, there is this internal energy that must shine through when making the final decision. In brief, if things don’t fall all into place a certain way, then is not for me.

When I was about to say forget about it, I came across videos of Turkey. Moreso, the exact clinic I ended up with. Every time, I would open my search, Turkey would come up (to me that was a sign). I found that, not only was it very economical, but also easy to navigate and on top of it, they provide the exact plan that I was looking for. The one that I thought I couldn’t afford in the USA; Turkey made it possible and beyond.

Dental Tourism- The author Turkey Adventure- A quick glimpse into my trip

My Personal Experience with a Smile Makeover: the things no one is talking about!

The trip length and navigating an international airport in a foreign language can be complex. For this reason, you need to prepare for such long flight. Our flights were 12+ hours and nothing seems to have us prepared for it. My advice to you is to have that google translator downloaded on your phone. Next, make sure to wear comfortable clothing, hydrate, and don’t forget pain killers (for any unforeseen headaches).

the different smile options to choose from during the dental tourism smile makeover.

Oh, the pain, the pain, the pain!! this has been by far the biggest thing I have had to deal with, when it comes to my smile makeover. And very little is detailed or even touched on the reviews/videos you find on the web. First let me explain my procedure (I’m not sure, if it has been due to how extensive my smile makeover is) but, OMG, HOLLY MOLLY! It’s been 4 weeks and only by week 3 did I start feeling somewhat normal. Please note, I’ve been taking painkillers nonstop since day 1 and including finishing all of my antibiotics. And I still experienced 3+ weeks of crazy pain/recovery.

I did get a wisdom tooth removed, treatment for sinus infections, and a bone graft tooth implant (which is a procedure that is done in multiple steps). Unfortunately, because of my limitation on time, I had this bone graft & dental implant procedure done in less steps than most people. That being said, I got the bone graft and the implant implanted on the same day. All of this was done on top of my smile makeover. I know! it was a lot and in very much little time.

More on the things no one is talking about…

That being said, take your pain killers before getting to your first appointment, if your care plan includes a smile makeover with add-ons such as mine. I would like to point out that, the clinic will provide you with all of your medications after your first appointment. By the same token, because of the language barrier, I believe added to what made it a bit difficult to explain my pain level to them. It wasn’t till after it was all too late that I got them to provide me medication during the procedures.

Please note, the wisdom tooth removal and the preparations of all of my teeth was done very well, with manageable pain. In detail, my surgical procedure of the bone graft and implant prep was the worst. Also, the after healing was with great pain, swelling, and discomfort. Because of it, I was unable to enjoy the rest of my vacation. During the bone graft procedure, it really got me questioning my decision (that’s how much pain I was in).

In fact, I came home and still couldn’t use my mouth accordingly. The pain has been diminishing, and after 4 weeks I no longer rely on pain meds. Important to realize, I’m someone that consider myself to have a high pain tolerance, so this experience caught me off guard. If you don’t believe me LOL, check out my homebirths stories, all natural with no painkillers.

The author Niam Lewis- Showing off her big smile- Her final smile makeover result- Dental Tourism
The author and her final smile makeover- Dental Tourism

Results of my dental tourism Smile makeover

Even with the long flights, language barriers, painful procedures and lengthy recover, I don’t regret my smile makeover. If I have to, I’ll do it all over again, with some slightly different preparations. Including instead of taking a 2 weeks’ vacation, I would do 3-4weeks instead. Because I believe that due to my time crunch, things got done at a much rapid rate. Also, because of it, my pain was at such high level. Or at least I think that was a contribution, because most of the other reviews don’t mention pain or recovery time like the one, I experience.

I’m in love with my final results and I am looking forward to returning for my final crown for my dental implant. I guess you can say the pain was worth it (LOL) since it saved me from an extra entire trip and cut down my total time to return back from 1+year to 6 months. Meaning, that within 6 months my implant should be healed, and I can return back and get my crown in, completing my smile makeover.

Turkey was the best option for me!! I loved that I was able to close out a very important chapter in my life that contributed to my past traumas and my current healing journey. And visit such a beautiful country!! It was an experience for the books. In fact, I will be writing a few more blog posts about my travels experiences to the beautiful country Turkey! So, with that being said, stay tune for more 🙂