The spring is the start of crazy weather changes. And for us with curly hair, it’s the start of prepping our kinks, curls, frizz and scalp ready for the summer heat! This is when I make sure to dedicate quality time to soaking my strands and scalp with a good hair mask.

As a busy mom an easy hair mask is all I need

For me it consists of using the most moisturizing and hydrating hair mask that my hair can handle. That being said, I love me a good DIY hair care treatment. I’m all in for trying new recipes and seeing the final results. Let’s not forget the scalp needs maintenance before the summer heat waves come in!

I’ve been in this natural, DIY hair care for about 2.5 years, so I have a good foundation of what my hair likes. My focus this year 2023 is length retention. Because of it, I have been focusing on making sure to deep condition my hair every wash week. All in all, I have to consider my limited free time and use things that I already have on hand.

My current hair mask

You’ll going to need any avocados that you have laying around your house. This is the time to grab them and saved them from the trash bin! As a matter of fact, avocados are the star ingredient for this hair mask. Basically, you’re going to want to make/or use any leftovers fenugreek and onion tea that you have on hand. * That will be your water base!

My Favorite springtime hair mask!

I use my DIY hair tea as a weekly spritz to keep my strands nice and moisturized throughout my days. As of matter of fact, if you haven’t read it yet, learn how to make the tea here: (

How to make the hair mask!

  • Take 4-5 large, very ripped avocados and with 4oz of your fenugreek & Onion tea- blend it together to a nice (pancake like) consistency. in any case that it comes out to be too watery, just go ahead and place the mixture in the fridge till it gets the consistency you’re looking for.
  • Once you blend the mixture to your preference, you are going to soak your strands with the mask- starting with the scalp. For those who have had permed/relaxer done- you’re going to want to follow that same technique. Just make sure every strand is cover with the hair mask!
  • Finally, you’ll want to cover your head with any plastic/ head covering of your choice. I personally, am okay with using a good old plastic bag. You’ll want to leave your mixture in for a minimum of 30mins. The longer the better for your strands!


Here are some tips that I have acquired throughout my journey thus far.

  • You can always make a big batch and freeze any unused portions for later use.
  • You can add any oils of your choice to the mask.
  • As well as doing this treatment as prepoo or post wash conditioner. Because of the smell, I have been enjoying it using it as a prepoo conditioner.
  • A trick to remove the smell from your hair is to use Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo (the original, yellow one) = Smell be gone! Noone will ever tell; you had Fenugreek and Onion juice in your hair!


Your strands will thank me later!!! The amount of moisturizing is insane! my curls are just smooth and shiny each and every time. And let’s not forget the shrinking in hair lost and breakage. I can go up to 3 days without having to reactivate my curls. The best thing of it all is that is cost and time effective! Give it a try and let me know!!