My journey into growing crops, started about 10 years ago. With just a simple and very cherished bean plant. Furthermore, this plant was the turning point, into my love for gardening and growing crops. Take into account, I am by no means an expert, just a lover for nature and growing things. At this point, I have a few that I continuously grow. As a matter of fact, try these 5 simple crops on your balcony this summer!

The famous bean plant- simple crops to start with

There is definitely a cute and funny story with my beginnings. You see, the plant was a Mother’s Day gift from my son Julian. Previously, Julian had unsuccessfully, tried gifting me plants (they will get to me in pieces, unable to transplant) (LOL). Except, this one resistant plant.

He was just in PreK and had all week talking about his special project. Additionally, He would share, how his plant was the tallest of them all in his classroom. Hindsight, my son has a very competitive nature, and this was a huge accomplishment!

Beans are simple crops to grow!
Sprouted Beans!

The moment of truth & anticipation finally arrived. He came to me during his pickup, as cheerful as can be. Just beaming from excitement!!! nevertheless, with a very squished tiny plastic pot and with just 1/3 of soil (LOL). Above all, the resilient bean plant made it home!

Julian had an entire plan for the bean plant to be successful. As a result, he had down all of the care and transplanting instructions. Concurrently, He had the designated spot for the bean garden!! At the end, we ended up taking a trip to my pantry and planting some more bean friends along with the plant. In total, over 20 beans!!!!

Surprisingly we discovered our green thumb

It seems that the location and care worked!! we had beans growing right in front of the house! Best of all, we had beans to harvest and eat. As a result, we kept on trying different crops and harvesting our very own vegetables.

As you may have noted, the bean plant, opened me up into the world of gardening. Concurrently, with social media, especially Facebook, I was able to find many tips and tricks. Even so a beginner friendly list of simple crops to grow.

Tips & Tricks for growing your very own Simple crops garden

before I present to you our favorite crops, that we grow yearly! Here are some tips for you which I have found to be beneficial for a successful garden. For one thing, with these tips and patience, you’ll be growing your own vegetable garden in no time.

Taking into account, that I’m the type of gardener that doesn’t like to measure or be extremely specific. For example, I don’t prep my seeds all the time, most of the time with the kids help, I just place a bunch of seeds randomly in the pot.

BUT, what I’m very detailed and specific with is the drainage and soil type. That being said, Soil & drainage are most important. If you can get these 2 down, then you’re all set to grow anything pretty much. At least from my experience and success.

Tips for Drainage & Soil

As for drainage- I always- and I mean ALWAYS!- do extra drainage holes to my pots. The more the merrier, you don’t want your soil to stay soaked due to lack of drainage. Then, this may sound crazy, but it works- I add random Styrofoam, plastic, pebbles, newspaper, wood sticks, cardboard- into my pots. All this prior to adding any soil- best is to do a 50/50 ratio between the drainage items and your soil. As for the items you want to cut them down/manipulate to fit into your pot- and all these items can be found within your household. It’s a win-win for all!!! Recycle it all into your pots and your plants will flourish in no time!

Next, is soil- I don’t like to use any miracle grow for my soil and or mainstream brands. Instead, I go for a combination of compost and manure soil mixture. This can be store bought or you can be like me and make your very own compost mixture. As for my compost, if you want to know more about my mixture, just read it HERE. This technique and combination I use for all my plants, both indoors and outdoors.

My Okra Plants blooming
I love to grow Okras for the flowers it produces- Check out how beautiful!

When to start your garden

My kids always remind me when is time for me to start collecting my seeds from my store-bought items. And in case life gets in the way, then the beginning of summer (first days of May) is when I go ahead and plant or throw in the core of our veggies directly in the pot.

Taking into account, it all varies by location/weather/crops zones. I’m in Texas, and May is the latest I would go ahead and plant my seeds. But there are many resources you can find online to help you with that. And don’t worry, trial and error is fun! Because you get to learn what worked and what didn’t.

That being said, here is the list, ya’ll be waiting for!!! These crops have been fun for the entire family, to watch them grow and harvest the crops. Some I must say have brought in many moments of laughter (like the spicy peppers ones LOL).

Our favorite crops to grow are the following:

  • Tomatoes– my kids favorite
  • bell peppers– has been the easiest for growing and multiplying
  • hot peppers– we did an entire variety of random spicy hot peppers
  • Okras– Don’t tell anyone but I brought with me some okras seed straight from the Dominican Republic (LOL)- talk about crazy plant lady!
  • green beans– I usually buy my seeds from the Dollar Tree- LOL no issues thus far