I don’t have much free time. Very little time is left for me with 5 little ones- (3 different school schedules, a baby, and a full-time job). So, I have to find things that are easy and that I can be able to maintain. Different from my past, my hair care routine has been top priority for me. Overall, I’m using the ayurvedic holistic practice for the maintenance and growth of my hair which includes natural hair teas.

How I learned how to incorporate ayurvedic Hair Teas

In addition thanks to YOUTUBE tutorials, I have found many options! In addition, and for the most part I have been able to tweak and find the ones that work for me. Significantly, I have been able to incorporate DIY hair teas. Overall, I use different types of herbs and natural ingredients that are known for their growth properties. Presently, these are my top 3 favorites that I have in rotation! I can’t wait for you to try them and see if they are of benefit to you!

Here are my top 3 hair teas DIY spritz

  1. Onion & Fenugreek– You will need 1 onion and 3 Spoonfuls of fenugreek seeds
    • The onion smell might be potent! but trust me on this one. My hair loves Onion and to mask the smell I have some tips below.
      • Start with the Fenugreek- You’ll place 3 Spoonfuls of the seeds into a glass of water and leave it over night to soak. Once the seeds are soaked, you’ll add along with 1 chopped onion to the blender. (All you need is 1 onion (yellow, white, or red-or a mixture of any of these colors).
      • Use a piece of cheesecloth to drain and filter out all of the onion’s chunk & Fenugreek seeds. The final result will be the juice of the mixture.
      • Last but not least, to the liquid mixture you’re going to add 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oils. These are my favorite: Lemongrass; Lavender; Peppermint; and tea tree oils. (These help to mask the smell and have added benefits as well).
      • Application: You will use a spray bottle (for easier application). Next, you will saturate the hair with the spritz. Cover with a plastic shower cap and leave on for 30minutes- 1 hour. Finally, after the time is up you will shampoo as usual, using your favorite shampoo and conditioner.
You can use any color Onion- Or mixture of your favorite onions!
  1. Fermented Rice water– You’ll need 1 cup of water & 1 cup of rice.
    • Heads up– This one is another one that might me smelly, but oh so worthy! As a matter of fact, this one I do alternate and do at most twice a month- Watch for your hair moisture and protein needs as it may vary.
      • You will rinse a cup of rice under running water (your preference- I use regular- long white grain rice)
      • After the second rinse- you’ll place that cup of rice into your cup of water, cover, and finally leave it over night at room temperature.
      • Lastly, you’ll let the water ferment for 72hrs (3 days). In a cool, dark place.
      • To mask the smell of the fermented rice water: you’re going to add 3- 5 drops of your favorite essential oils. These are my favorite: Lemongrass; Lavender; Peppermint; and tea tree oils. (These help to mask the smell and have added benefits as well).
      • Application: You will use a spray bottle (for easier application). Next, you will saturate the hair with the spritz. Cover with a plastic shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes- 1 hours. Finally, after the time is up you will shampoo as usual, using your favorite shampoo and conditioner.
Best Natural hair teas for exponential growth!
You’ll want your water to look just like the picture!
  1. Mix Herbs & MSM Powder– I use 1 tablespoon of my top 2 ayurvedic herbs, which for the moment are Neem & Amla along with 1 rosemary bundle. I like to add 1/8 of a teaspoon of MSM Powder to increase my growth potential. (Use MSM under your discretion).
    • You’ll want to boil 1 cup of water, remove from the heat, and add all the ingredients to the boiling/hot water.
    • Let it sit overnight and the next day use a cheesecloth to strain.
    • Application: Finally, once the tea is in the spray bottle- I like to use it 2-3 times a week to moisturize and style my hair!

To preserve

In addition, you can store the batches of each one of these hair teas in the fridge for longevity. For me, I can usually save them in the fridge and use for 2-3 weeks. If you make bigger batches, you can also store them in the freezer. I do not add any preservatives as I make them in small batches and use them up before they could even go bad. Enjoy! hope these were of help to your hair care journey!